Optum's National Provider Identifier Center (cont.)

Once you have obtained your NPI number, click the following link to download and complete the NAMM NPI Notification Form* and submit to Provider Contracting via:
  Email to contracting@nammcal.com, or
  Fax to (909) 390-9286
Verifying your NPI Application Data Submission
If you have already received your NPI from CMS, we would like to ask that you verify that your NPI application data submitted to the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) is accurate and does not include personal details such as home address, home telephone, or social security number.
Data elements that are disclosable under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) will be disclosed to the public by CMS. In accordance with the e-FOIA Amendments, CMS will be disclosing these data via the Internet beginning Tuesday September 4, 2007.
Health care providers should refer to the document entitled, "Information on FOIA-Disclosable Data Elements in NPPES," dated June 20, 2007 (found on the CMS NPI web page by clicking here) for assistance in making their edits.
Health care providers need to submit their edits no later than Monday, August 20, 2007
If you choose to submit your edit corrections on paper, please allow sufficient time to ensure receipt by the NPI Enumerator no later than Monday, August 20, 2007.

* The free Adobe Reader (for PDF format) software can be downloaded by clicking here or the Technology Resources icon on the right.